Elementary graduation speech by principal
Elementary graduation speech by principal

May your successes be many and your tribulations be few and far between. May you always lead by example and work hard and play straight. May your years ahead continue to be characterized by empathy, compassion, objectivity and a willingness to take risks. You are ready, willing and more than able to grasp the torch that we bestow upon you- yours is the future and on you the world will come to depend. Congratulations, we are inordinately proud of you all! My, how proud we are of the success that they have made with the opportunities that they were offered. that end result is the Graduating Class of. The end result Ladies and Gentlemen of our coming together, keeping together and working together, in spite of the obstacles that we may have faced along the way. And what progress we made, as just a few of the following highlights attest to: We faced some incredible and memorable moments - moments that we chose to use as stepping stone as we tenaciously pursued our common goals. Day-by-day we focused on our goal, keeping together and working together.

elementary graduation speech by principal

Steadfast, resolute and determined we all kept together.

elementary graduation speech by principal

Yes, we all came together with a common purpose in mind - to encourage and develop lifelong learning in the young Ladies and Gentlemen who sit before us this evening. I understand that teaching 20 to 30 students is difficult, but. What a commencement ceremony it was, signaling what would be the start of wonderful things to come. As a special education teacher, stories like Angie make me sad and angry all at the same time. Who can forget when we all came together for the first time - nervous young students in the, proud parents, the Board of Governors and a dedicated staff body. Henry Ford wisely said, "Coming together is a beginning keeping together is progress and working together is success." As we look back over the last few years, certainly there was a beginning, and thankfully there was also progress and yes - undeniably we have been successful!īut let's begin where all good stories begin - at the beginning! We have experienced exceptional moments, magical moments and created memories that will be fondly remembered in the years ahead. We have encountered some trials and tribulations along the way.soldiered on and come out the stronger for them. It has been a journey that started with tentative steps perhaps, but one that has taken us to remarkable heights. COVID-19 has kept you home for about three months, and this fact alone has set you apart from all the classes that have graduated from this school. So, it is only fitting that tonight we commemorate the road that we have all traveled together these last few years. Principal Wang He Dear Class of 2020, Its nice to see your faces at this particular time.

elementary graduation speech by principal

Good Evening Honored Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen - Ī graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion - the culmination of years of hard work the actualization of goals attained and the acknowledgement of successes achieved.

Elementary graduation speech by principal