So you can just add the correct alias on your Mac machine: alias docker="lima docker" Now you can execute all the docker commands using: lima docker xxxx You can follow all the creation logs with a tail -f ~/.lima/default/serial.log and everything is finised when you can read Finished Execute cloud user/final scripts. When the lima creation seems finished, it is not. WARNING: The first creation takes long time (several minutes depending on the Mac performances). # `user` is executed without the root privilege
If ! apt list -installed | grep google-cloud-sdk thenĮcho "deb cloud-sdk main" | tee -a /etc/apt//google-cloud-sdk.listĪpt- get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupgĬurl | apt- key -keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ add -Īpt- get update & apt- get install -y google-cloud-sdk If ! apt list -installed | grep docker-ce thenĮcho 'export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/$(id -u)/docker.sock' > /etc/profile.d/docker.sh # `system` is executed with the root privilege The important part is that all the command must be idempotent as they are executed anytime you restart the VM. Instead of configuring all the things manually everytime, you can benefit from the lima.yaml file and package everything you need. Package everything in a configuration file NOTE: you surely need to login to gcloud to be able to use the private docker registry ( gcloud auth login).
Then just connect the docker to the desired gcloud registry: export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/ user/$(id -u)/docker.sock Sudo apt- get update & sudo apt- get install -y google-cloud-sdk Sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupgĬurl | sudo apt- key -keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ add. echo "deb cloud-sdk main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt//google-cloud-sdk.list so I needed to install the gcloud package inside the lima VM. In my case, I'm always using GCR/GAR Registry. If you need to use a private registry, you need to be sure to have anything required to login installed inside the VM. If it was not deleted by a previous execution, ssh couldn't create a new one with the same name. WARNING: before to run the ssh command, check if the docker.sock file already exists on your Mac. It is working but is quite annoying in the end, anytime you need to interact with the Docker API you have to remember to run this command. curl -unix-socket ~ /docker.sock http:/ /localhost/images/json To test if everything is working well, from your Mac you can run the following command that is equivalent to run the docker images command. Just configure the application requiring the Docker API, to use the socked within your home folder. Once done you will have a docker.sock file in your home folder. this can be done with the following command: ssh -p 60022 -i ~ /.lima/_config/user -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -L ~ /docker.sock:/run/user/$(id -u)/docker.sock 127.0. Then you have to access to the docker.sock from your Mac. Lima dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh install
so you can configure it to use docker instead of containerd.Īs AkihiroSuda suggested in its post comments, this is quite simple: curl -fsSL | lima For example, in Java unit test with Testcontainers this interaction is mandatory.īut Lima is Linux and Docker is OSS. To simplify the usage, just add an alian on your Mac to directly execute the right command: alias docker="lima nerdctl"Ĭontainerd is not exposing an API like the docker one, this means for some application it is impossible to interact and control docker. but in the end the big difference is only in the script name, because all the commands (even the compose one) are there. The CLI to use to interact with the default containerd is nerdctl. But for a standard / simple usage this is enough. The main difference is that by default it is not using the docker-engine but the containerd directly instead. Īs Lima is automatically forwards all the VM ports to the host and shares the volumes, everything is as easy as with the docker-desktop. Once finished there are 2 main commands available on your PC: lima to access to the virtual machine and execute "linux" commands limactrl to control the machine, create, start, stop. The lima installation, thanks to homebrew, is really simple and everything is managed: brew install lima but I needed to make some enhancements to what was described in the post as my specific use cases required more things. The same day I discovered, thanks to AkihiroSuda Medium Post, that a possible alternative for MacOSX exists.
On August 31st, Docker surprises the world with a news about the docker-desktop application: it won't be free anymore.Įven if it is a normal and legit decision, this can be a hard decision for big companies as the final invoice can have consequences on the IT budget.